Reliance Retail, part of the Reliance Industries group, said Friday it will soon launch its own brand of 4G LTE smartphones under the brand Lyf. In an emailed statement, Reliance Retail said the brand is "built on the premise of unmatched user experience will offer high performance handsets that deliver a true 4G experience comparableto the best in the world." To that end, Reliance Retail said the Lyf range of smartphones will come with features like voice over LTE (VoLTE), voice over Wi-Fi (VoWi-FI), as well as HD voice and HD quality video calling. The company has earlier talked about launching 4G smartphones at Rs. 4,000 and offering services at Rs. 300 per month. Apart from Reliance Retail, the Lyf brand of smartphones will be available through a wider distribution and retail network including multi-brand outlets. Earlier this month, Reliance Industries (which owns Reliance Jio Infocomm) and Reliance Communications announced a partnersh...
Whether you’ve put in an order for a Nexus 6P or you’re patiently waiting for Android version 6.0 to reach your Galaxy S6 , you’ll want to know what Marshmallow can do for you. It’s not a dramatic leap forward for Google’s mobile OS, but there are still a number of useful new features you’re going to want to know about. Of course, unlike Apple , Google updates all its key apps independently of the OS as a whole—that means there’s not quite as much to talk about with an Android update as there is with an iOS one. At this stage (stock) Android is pretty much Google Now with a settings page and a dialer app, but Marshmallow still offers plenty of reasons to look forward to your upgrade. 1. Get Google Now on tap Google Now on Tap is the biggest new feature here and is activated with a long-press on the Home button. It’s designed to understand context better than ever before, so songs, movies, venues and the like are automatically identified inside t...
Proven tips to make your Computer or Laptop run faster. How to make your computer faster is a question that may be bothering many of you struggling hard with slower machines. Computers/Laptops start to slow down as they get older and clogged up with files, unused software and other digital debris. Even laptops with the fastest processors can start to run slow over time. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to replace your machine with a new one or hire a computer geek to make your Laptop run faster . Thankfully, you can speed up your machine nearly to its full speed a lot easier than you think with few easy maintenance steps or inexpensive upgrades. Here are 10 proven simple tips on how to make your computer or laptop run faster, some of which of course, have been suggested many times before by computer experts. 1. How to make your Computer faster – Check free space on hard disk As you use your computer and load program...