Upload shell with sql injection
what you need: ? A PHP Shell ^ A upload script ^ (optional might work without) sqlmap^ (optional but makes it so much easier) what is a shell ? Quote Shell is a shell wrapped in a script. It's a tool you can use to execute arbitrary shell-commands or browse the filesystem on your remote webserver. This replaces, to a degree, a normal telnet connection, and to a lesser degree a SSH connectio. You use it for administration and maintenance of your website, which is often much easier to do if you can work directly on the server. For example, you could use PHP Shell to unpack and move big files around. All the normal command line programs like ps, free, du, df, etc can be used. There are some limitations on what kind of programs you can run. It won't do no good if you start a graphical program like Firefox or even a console based one like vi. All programs have to be strictly command line programs, and they will have no chance of getting user input after they ha...